Airports Fees

2023-01-03 11:54 AM

Airports Fees

Airports Charges :

Private/Business landing  flight fees ($)

The way of calculations the fees by following slides:

Statement Landing fees Slide
Per tonne or part 5 $ The MTOW of aircraft from (1) tons up to (25 tons)
Per tonne or part 6 $ The MTOW of aircraft from (26) tons up to (100 tons)
Per tonne or part 9 $ The MTOW of aircraft More than (100 tons)



Statement Holding Fees Slide
Per tonne or part 2.50 $ The MTOW of aircraft from (1) tons up to (25 tons)
Per tonne or part 1.5 $ The MTOW of aircraft from (26) tons up to (100 tons)
Per tonne or part 0.75 $ The MTOW of aircraft More than (100 tons)







1.Air Navigation Services Fees will be calculated 50% from landing fees.

2.Fees will be calculated 40% from landing fees.

3.The Holding Fees calculations after the free 12 hours:

4.The minimum amount is :

 135$  landing fees 

+68$  Air Navigation Services Fees

+54$ Lighting  Fees

+53$ Holding Fees If there is

5. In case of violation the aircraft and overflying Yemen aerospace without advance permit the operator or owner of aircraft will pay three times of the fees as a fine for the first time.

6.all fees in US Dollars.

For more Details please contact us


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